Wkłôd brëkòwnika Armbrust
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Użytkownik(-czka) wykonał(a) 2 edycje. Konto utworzone 16 môj 2016.
27 stë 2022
- 08:0508:05, 27 stë 2022 różn hist. +12 D Aniół Pańsczi (GR) File renamed: File:Pope John Paul I speaking.jpg → File:Pope John Paul I from window - edited.jpg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) · A rename request to give a more similar name with the original picture aktualnô
16 môj 2016
- 15:1415:14, 16 môj 2016 różn hist. +31 D Zakrzewò (GR) File renamed: File:Wóz.starż.JPG → File:Historical fire engine in Zakrzewo, Poland.jpg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what...