Diskùsëjô brëkòwnika:Capsot
Hallo! / Witôj!
[editëjë zdrój]On the beginning I must to say that my english is very simply, but I understand what you wrote to me. It is worse when I must write something.
So if I understand what I must to do, is to translate this: "Wikipedians giving support to Wikimedia CAT" to kashubian lang. ? Hm.. In csb / pò kaszëbskù / it's mean : "Brëkòwnicë Wikipedije przëstojewają z Wikimedia CAT".
If I can help you something more just wrote to me ;)
Thanks for wishes and I wish you nice summertime and good future with your lang. and wikipedia too. ;)
All the best! Titës.